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WHY DO I NEED MROMERO CPA FOR MY BUSINESS? Your business is your family enterprise and while all of us have only 24 hours a day, your time is divided among your family, running your business, bookkeeping work and meeting government requirements. MRomero CPA is here to take on the administrative work from you so you can focus your time on what you love to do and have the peace of mind that things get done.

DO YOU ACCEPT PAPER RECORDS? While we can accept paper records, we would highly encourage you to use our secure platform to upload your files. This will eliminate courier costs and reduce the cost of our services.

IS IT EXPENSIVE TO GET MROMERO CPA SERVICES? Our flawless process gives you a good value for what you pay. Aside from that, we give you value added services that are included in your package that will help you in your business decision-making.

WE ARE SEVERAL MONTHS BEHIND IN OUR RECORDS, CAN YOU HELP US KEEP IT UP TO DATE? Yes, we sure can! We are happy to take on the slack and get your books updated fast.

WHAT IS THE PAYMENT STRUCTURE OF MROMERO CPA? We charge a flat fee which depends on the scope of the services you need so there are no surprises.

ARE THERE EXTRA COSTS FOR EACH INQUIRY? Your questions are always welcome! We don't want you to be afraid to ask thinking that you will be charged extra. If your question is out of the scope of our engagement, we will let you know.

DO YOU DO TAX FILING AS WELL? While our firm is currently focused on helping our clients build and grow their businesses through streamlined bookkeeping & reporting, getting their books in place and updated, we can do your personal tax and individual tax for the self-employed.

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